CIH - Coney Island Hospital
CIH stands for Coney Island Hospital
Here you will find, what does CIH stand for in Organization under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Coney Island Hospital? Coney Island Hospital can be abbreviated as CIH What does CIH stand for? CIH stands for Coney Island Hospital. What does Coney Island Hospital mean?The hospital & health care medical organization is located in Staten Island, New York, United States.
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Alternative definitions of CIH
- Chen Ing Hau
- Changzhi airport
- Coney Island Hospital
- Cardinal Innovations Healthcare
- Chartered Institute of Housing
- City International Hospital
- Central Indiana Hardware
View 36 other definitions of CIH on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CCL Centenary College of Louisiana
- CT The Carbon Trust
- CHC Community Health Care
- CSR Casino del Sol Resort
- CANO Currently Available for New Opportunities
- CHCP The College of Health Care Professions
- CMG Corning Museum of Glass
- CE City of Edina
- CA The Coal Authority
- CSC China Shipping Company
- CPG Century Properties Group
- CMG City of Miami Gardens
- CDMV California Department of Motor Vehicles
- CP The Chancery Pavilion
- CBMAA Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art
- CBC Calvary Baptist Church
- CDTSC California Department of Toxic Substances Control
- CS Chicken of the Sea
- CF City of Fredericton
- CECL Chalmers Engineering Co LLC